
Full Version: DM800 -Ferrari Sim,.Error NO CA FOUND
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Hi dm800 Sim 201 "ca not found". IP periodic interface that shows the dm800 was built 20090217.Second stage loader # 59 from 20080509.Nan images from Dreambox Optiflasher Pro v2009 Ultimate; loaded but will not Reboot After Done

DreamUP_patched_by_forhike_and_natas with Nemesis2-6-dm800-SVN-108r4-ramiMAHER onely serial Uploading file to box...
box is flashing from its memory...
OK, flash-copy succeeded
The same result by use of network+serial
Still Sim201 team #84B.Error NO CA FOUNG
Is there a solution?
Regards bjorntg
Hi Used sim201_ssl84D
TSimage-3.0-OE-2.0-SIM2-DM800-SSL84D-20140608-HOUARAHi Used
No rebooting

Then DreamUP_patched_by_forhike_and_natas
21:53:06 box type: DM800
21:53:06 Enabled recovery of bad sectors
21:56:14 Calculating checksum...
waiting for OK from box to beginn upload...
21:56:15 Uploading file to box...21:56:30 box is flashing from its memory...
21:56:30 Log: +++ 015 bad sector recovery enabled
21:56:31 OK, flash-copy succeeded (sim201_ssl84D)
21:57:11 Calculating checksum...
waiting for OK from box to beginn upload...
21:57:13 Uploading file to box
00:01:19 box is flashing from its memory...
But nothing happen
What now ?
Regards bjorntg
A lot of threads SOLVED same as your issue....Did you read it ?

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(08-22-2014, 11:48 PM)fairbird Wrote: [Only registered and activated users can see links You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.]

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Hey, thanks for your good advice .Yes, I read what you are referring to several times.
When I got this dreambox in 2010 I was not satified and acquired in 2011 a Ferrari sim card. But 201sim card was sealed with a hard "boat" laquer and I gave up. The.Dreambox has during these years been used by a happy grandchild ..What I found today was brown-burned on the back of sim201.
Operation Ferrari sim card was successful. Apparently rebooted.also but same error as with sim 201 .
Will you declare dreambox clone dead?
Regards bjorntg
You Sim Ferrari Or Sim2?
Hello This must be an original Ferrari sim card .It was purchased directly from England in 2011".priority post"registered mail and it has been in envelop since;
The logo was the old original Ferrari .backside.
Do I have to learn JTAG ?
Regards bjorntg
There is nothing original Ferrari ..

Clone or Genuine...

If box have original sim then box Genuine
If have ferrari or sim2 or another sim it is CLONE...

So Please before every things must be to know what type of sim you have?
open box and see what kind of sim you have on your box ...
Hi Dreambox Clone with sim201
Serial upload OK but no IP,CA not found.
Simcard 201 was burned brown on the rear.
The sim201 was taken away and replaced
with Ferraricard .The same problem with
Ferrari card .Serial upload OK but ca not found
no IP
Ragards bjorntg
If you want to change sim2 and replace with Ferrari sim (must be to do these steps):
1-Don't remove Sim2 from box (keep it)....
2-Flash patched image for Ferrari sim...
3-Turn power off
4-change sim2 with Ferrari sim
5-Now Turn power on
Hey Simcard 2 (201) no longer exists, it went in the waste
I just have Ferreri sim now
Is there anything I can do to correct this error?
Regards bjorntg
Ok..Then try this:
-Put Sim Ferrari
-Follow (Repair [No Ca Found]) method
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*Select LD3 (Loader For Ferrari)
*Choose Ferrari Sim > DM800-sim Ferrari-SSl88F
-After (Repair [No Ca Found]) method close box
-Follow (Null modem cable with Network lan) Advanced1 and flash new image for ferrari sim not for Sim2 (You can find my patched image For Ferrari sim in Images section)
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